Alarm Service

FlashAlarm application informs users about atmospheric discharges of the selected geographical area called alarm zone. With the Alarming service user can prepare to protect their property on time, turn on backup power supplies, or do some different action to reduce and minimalise material and economical damage, caused by lightning strikes.

Application graphicaly display user’s alarm activities. Shape, size and number of alarm zone is customised for every user. Location under alrming service cam be protected with three alarm zones. Each alarm zone represent different level of alarm:

  • level I: storm
  • level II: the storm is close
  • level III: the storm is approaching

Vsaka stopnja alarma ima svoje lastne nastavitve proženja. Višji stopnji alarma ustreza ožje območje okrog varovanega objekta. Ko se za določen objekt uporabnika proži alarm se posamezna alarm cona v aplikaciji FlashAlarm obarva stopnji alarma primerno in sicer:

Each alarm level has his own trigger settings. Size of alarm zone gets smaller when alarm level is higher. When the alarm triggers, the alarm zone shown in FlashAlarm is colored in different color, depend on alarm level:

  • level I: storm- Red
  • level II: the storm is close - Orange
  • level III: the storm is approaching - Yellow
  • no danger (alarm end) - Green

With alarming service can be used in:

  • Antenna systems (TV and radio transmitters, mobile network transmitters, ...)
  • Facilities which are dependent on constant and quality electric power supply
  • Agriculture areas, facilities and lifestock
  • All types of transport (Aviatic, Road, Railway, ...)
  • Dangerous substance storage and transport,
  • Big sports and other events on open air
  • other