System SCALAR detects lightning on Slovenia and West Balkan theritory. Realtime data are shown only few seconds after the event.
Access to all SCALAR lightning data
Lightning alarm service
Power lines automatic correlation data
Lightning strikes and rainfall data
Mobile application for lightning strike and rainfall data
System SCALAR measures and arhives lightning data for almost 20 years. Data can be used for insurance companies, statistical analysis, risk evaluation and protection against lightning.
Access to all SCALAR lightning data
Lightning strikes search by the time and location
Storm days finder
Arhive and statistic lightning strike data
Online lightning strike risk calculator
Lightning alarm service informs users about storms over the area of interest. Benefit of alarm service is mostly human life protection, reducing the material and financial damage caused by lightning.
Access to all SCALAR lightning data
Lightning alarm service
Long term lightning arhive is used for different evaluations: lightning density map, map of maximum values of lightning density, thunderstorm days map, lightning amplitude map, etc
Arhive and statistic lightning strike data
Archive data are basis for different research analysis such as calculating of risk for prottection against lightning, risk analysis, lightning exposure analysis and others.
Online lightning strike risk calculator