Lightning alarm

Lightning strikes could represent threat to people but they could also cause a lot of material and financial damage. The service for alarming before lightning strikes alerting you before dangerous storm with atmospheric discharges in time, so you could protect your property, turn on your backup uninterruptible power supply or take some other precaution measure and reduce the risk for people or property and financial damage due to result of lightning strikes. Services of alarming before lightning strikes benefit more and more companies and private individuals.  


For the companies that have objects or working procedures directly exposed to external influences. Service for alarming commonly use electricity, transport and telecommunications companies. owners of buildings exposed to atmospheric discharges, farmers, organizers of major events, visitors to the mountains and hikers also often use our service for alarming. 

  • electroenergetics
  • transport
  • telecommunications - all antenna systems, TV transmitters, mobile transmitters, ...
  • agriculture – for protecting the animals and property
  • protect sports facilities and events
  • manufacturing facilities, which depend on a continuous and quality power supply
  • objects that are exposed to atmospheric discharges 
  • buildings and institutions, where working process are directly exposed to the atmospheric impact
  • hiking and trekking